27th District Court Serving Wyandotte and Riverview Communities
All misdemeanor cases charged in Wyandotte and Riverview are handled at the 27th District Court. The Court also handles the initial hearings in felony cases, such as arraignments and preliminary examinations.

District Court Serving the Riverview and Wyandotte Communities.
The 27th District Court serves the communities of Riverview and Wyandotte. It is located at 2015 Biddle Ave, Wyandotte, MI 48192. Judge Elizabeth DiSanto is the judge in this district. Judge DiSanto previously was a family law attorney in private practice, and since taking the bench after a landslide election victory in 2018, she has made significant changes in her court.
Judge DiSanto is not opposed to rehabilitation and treatment as alternatives to jail. She instituted a mental health program to steer troubled defendants into treatment instead of simply putting them in jail. She understands that many repeat offenders who appear in her court may learn to avoid decisions to break the law with the right help. The mental health court program is similar to the “drug court” program. Such programs reduce jail overcrowding and recidivism. Judge DiSanto also has upgraded the court’s computer-based activities, reducing the need for defendants, attorneys, and litigants to come to court in person.
Downriver Community Involvement
Judge Elizabeth L. DiSanto is very involved in community affairs in her district. She is a member of the Wyandotte Rotary Club, the Henry Ford Health System Regional Advisory Board, the Trenton-Riverview Fraternal Order of Police Lodge, and the Wyandotte Warriors Hockey Association. She also has started occasionally holding court in local schools so that young people can see the ramifications of illegal conduct firsthand.

Jurisdiction of a District Court
District Judges have jurisdiction over all civil infractions, misdemeanor cases, and preliminary felony matters. Civil infractions are punishable by a monetary fine (no jail). A typical example of a civil infraction is a traffic ticket. Misdemeanors carry a potential jail term from 30 days to one year, fines, and up to two years of probation.
District judges do not have jurisdiction to sentence defendants to more than one year in jail. A felony is an offense with a maximum sentence exceeding one year. All felony cases arising in Wyandotte and Riverview start in the 27th District Court. The District Court has the authority to handle arraignments and preliminary examinations in felony matters, but not sentence hearings or felony trials. Therefore, a felony can be dismissed or plea-bargained down to a misdemeanor, or in the alternative, they must be “bound over” the county circuit court for further hearings.
If a felony is not plea-bargained down to a misdemeanor or dismissed, the case will be set for a preliminary exam. At the preliminary exam, the defendant may “waive” their right to the exam and agree to have the case sent to the Wayne County Circuit Court at the Wayne County Criminal Justice Center. If they or the prosecutor demand that the exam be held, it is like a one-sided mini-trial. The prosecutor must produce evidence of a crime and probable cause to believe the defendant committed it. If the prosecutor succeeds, the case is sent to the circuit court for final disposition. If the defense prevails, the judge will dismiss the felony charge.
Types of Cases Handled in the 27th District Court
Misdemeanors – Examples of Misdemeanor Cases
- Operating While Intoxicated First and Second Offense
- Domestic Violence
- Low-Level Drug Cases
- Retail Fraud 2nd and 3rd Degree (Shoplifting)
- Assault and Battery
- Driving While License Suspended
Felonies – Examples of Felony Cases
- Armed or Unarmed Robbery
- Large-scale Drug Cases
- Home Invasion
- First Degree Retail Fraud
- Operating While Intoxicated 3rd Offense
- Sex Crimes
- Weapons Offenses
- Assault and Homicide Charges

Top Defense Lawyers for the 27th District Court
LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C.’s experienced and aggressive criminal defense attorneys, have great success in the 27th District Court. We have a mutually respectful relationship with Judge DiSanto and her court staff. The judge and prosecutor know that when a criminal defense attorney from LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. walks into the courthouse, they can expect the finest and most aggressive legal skills and professionalism. Our reputation for being tenacious and successful defense attorneys who will do whatever it takes to give our clients the greatest advantage possible in court is well known.
We understand that money is valuable, and anything you spend on legal fees is less you have available for your family or other necessities. However, you should understand that having expert, affordable legal representation in a criminal case might be one of the most important investments you ever make.
Criminal convictions can result in jail and employment problems, fines, loss of driver’s license, changes in child custody, civil lawsuits, damage to reputation, and more. LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. will represent you with the care and dedication you deserve. We will find a way to help you!
Call us today at (248) 263-6800 for a free consultation or complete an online Request for Assistance Form. We will contact you promptly and find a way to help you.
We will find a way to help you.
We Are Not Afraid to Win!
Wayne County, Michigan Circuit and District Courts
Wayne County, Michigan, features Detroit, diverse communities, cultural attractions, economic opportunities, and historic automotive industry. We routinely handle misdemeanor probation violations in district courts throughout Wayne County. The Courts in Wayne County are:
- 3rd Circuit Court – Wayne County Criminal Justice Center
- 16th District Court – Wayne
- 17th District Court – Wayne
- 19th District Court – Wayne
- 20th District Court – Wayne
- 21st District Court – Wayne
- 23st District Court – Wayne
- 24th District Court – Wayne
- 25th District Court – Wayne
- 27th District Court – Wayne
- 29th District Court – Wayne
- 31st District Court – Wayne
- 32A District Court – Wayne
- 33rd District Court – Wayne
- 34th District Court – Wayne
- 36th District Court – Wayne