Attorney Fees
You work hard for your money, and if you hire an attorney, you’ll want to feel confident that they will do everything reasonably possible to protect and defend you.

Attorney Fees Must Be Reasonable and Ethical, Yet Fairly Compensate Highly Experienced Defense Counsel
In Michigan, ethics rules govern how attorneys can charge legal fees. Essentially there are three ways for an attorney to charge for their legal services: hourly, flat fee, or contingency fee. The State Bar of Michigan prohibits contingency fees in criminal cases in Michigan. In other words, a criminal defense lawyer cannot ethically charge a fee contingent on the outcome of a case.
The vast majority of experienced criminal defense lawyers charge flat fees. We generally charge flat fees based on the different phases of a criminal case for several reasons. Clients generally prefer flat fees. By setting attorney fees based on the various stages of a case, you are assured that you are not overcharged or billed for unprovided services. By charging flat fees that will include all the work necessary to represent you, you will know what it will know your legal fees up-front to hire our law firm. There will be no surprises and no unforeseen bills.
Our Attorneys will Work With you to Determine Fair and Affordable Legal Fees.
When an attorney with LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. consults with you in person, they will tell you the precise fees for whatever services you require. Generally, we can only tell you the total legal fees after an in-person consultation. Although some lawyers provide “one size fits all” or generic pricing, we know that it is in our client’s best interest to take the time to make an expert determination of the time commitments and legal fees that may be appropriate for each client’s case. The fact is that every case is different, and although two clients may face similar charges, each client might require a different defense. For example, one client may be looking for a plea bargain or a dismissal, and another client’s case may need to go to trial are require motions to suppress evidence.

Free Consultation
Our fees are based on the above factors and discussed with you during a free consultation. Although we do not charge for the initial consultation, we generally ask that you have an adequate method of payment with you at the initial consultation. If you decide to hire our firm, it is best if you have the ability to do so at that first meeting so we can start working on your case right away. Immediate or emergency work is often necessary to secure client’s rights and prepare for their defense. We accept all major credit cards, wire transfers, and electronic payments.
Ethical Considerations
Our fees consider various provisions of the Michigan Rules of Professional Conduct (MRPC). These rules provide that a lawyer must be “competent” and that the attorney fee must be “reasonable.” In determining whether a lawyer can provide competent representation in a particular matter, relevant factors include the relative complexity and specialized nature of the matter, the lawyer’s general experience, the lawyer’s training and experience in the field in question, the preparation and commitment the lawyer can give the matter, and the time commitment that will likely be necessary to handle the case.
Some of the specific factors to be considered in determining the reasonableness of a fee include the following:
- The time and labor required, the novelty and difficulty of the questions involved, and the skill necessary to properly perform the legal service.
- The likelihood, if apparent to the client, that the acceptance of the particular employment will preclude other employment by the lawyer;
- The time limitations imposed by the client or by the circumstances;
- The experience, reputation, and ability of the lawyer or lawyers performing the services.

Fees Charged by LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C.
We will quote a total attorney fee that is fair and reasonable to both the client and the firm during the consultation and after considering all ethical and legal standards. The fee charged in any case will be set based on the complexity of the matter, the strategy to be employed, the outcome’s importance, the anticipated litigation length, and much more. Not everyone can afford to hire LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. for a felony or misdemeanor case. We will work hard to make a fee affordable for any prospective client, but the prices will reflect our experience, reputation, effectiveness, and track record of success.
Call us today at (248) 263-6800 for a free consultation or complete an online Request for Assistance Form. We will contact you promptly and find a way to help you.