blog post Juveniles and the Michigan Sex Offenders Registration Act SORASORA Registration for Juveniles The Michigan Sex Offender’s Registration Act, otherwise known as SORA, requires…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post Juvenile Mandatory Life Sentence Ban is Not Retroactive.Mandatory Life Sentences for Juveniles Juveniles charged with a serious offense in Michigan will need…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post Judge Rae Lee Chabot in the Oakland County Circuit CourtThe Media Got it All Wrong With One of Michigan’s Best Judges Talk about blowing…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post You Do Not Have to Go to Jail or Prison Because of a Violation of ProbationIt Is Possible to Avoid Jail for a Probation Violation! If your lawyer is telling…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post If I want to enter a plea in a criminal case what are my options?Plea Options in Felony and Misdemeanor Cases In Michigan, once the government files criminal charges…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post Immunity from Prosecution in MichiganHow does someone get immunity from prosecution? Immunity from prosecution is rarely granted on a…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post Incarcerating defendants for failure to pay fines and costs.No Jail for Failure to Pay Fines and Costs Attention District and Circuit Court Judges…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post Juvenile Criminal Matters and New Rules to Keep a Clean RecordHow does a juvenile keep a clean record? If a juvenile is charged with a…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post Lineups are likely to result in misidentifications.Lineups in Michigan result in misidentifications Do you think police and prosecutors are interested in…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post Interesting Intoxilyzer 9000 and Breath Alcohol Testing InformationIntoxilyzer 9000 and Breath Alcohol Testing Information An Intoxilyzer 9000/breath alcohol test determines how much…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post Ineffective Assistance of CounselProving Ineffective Assistance of Counsel Can Be a Daunting Burden The judges at the Michigan…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post Is Taking a Mouth DNA Swab an Illegal Search Under the Fourth AmendmentIllegal Search Under the Fourth Amendment If you’ve been wrongfully convicted or sentenced, you will…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post Domestic Violence is Not Just Limited to Dating RelationshipsDomestic Violence Defense If you are charged with Domestic Violence in Southeastern Michigan, you will…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post Domestic Violence Prosecutions in Oakland CountyDomestic Violence Charges in Oakland County Require an Extraordinary Defense Oakland County Judges and prosecutors…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post Do I need a lawyer?Do I need a lawyer for my criminal case? A person who goes to…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post Do I need a criminal attorney?Why would I want to hire a criminal defense attorney? You want the best lawyer…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post Custody for Fathers and Protecting Men’s Rights – Michigan Divorce Attorney ReferralFamily Law Lawyers Protecting Men's Rights Men are at a distinct disadvantage in a divorce…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post Do not talk to the police! Anything you say can and will be used against you.Do Not Talk to the Police, FBI, or Other Law Enforcement It is not uncommon…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post The Impact of a Criminal RecordDon’t Put a Wrecking Ball in Your Life - By the Hon. Rudy Nichols Judge…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post Even in the American Criminal Justice System Innocent Defendants Risk Being Wrongfully ConvictedInnocent People Can Be Wrongfully Convicted The American criminal justice system may be the best…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post Search and Seizure UpdateUpdate on Unreasonable Search and Seizure Law There are limits that police officers have to…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post Facing charges of Boating While Under the Influence?Operating a Boat While Under the Influence The same alcohol limits apply to operating a…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post DUI Defense AttorneyMichigan DUI Law - Your Best Defense Starts Here If you are accused of driving…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post Macomb County Circuit Court EvacuatedMacomb County Circuit Court Evacuated Due to Bomb Threat May 9, 2011 All too frequently,…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post Violation of Michigan Law Enforcement Information Network LEINPrivate information on the Law Enforcement Information Network (LEIN) A Macomb County sheriff's deputy was…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post Many Michigan Judges Are Tough on First Offense OWI Operating While Intoxicated SentencesJail on a First Offense Operating While Intoxicated Several Michigan judges are making a name…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post Operating With Any Amount of Controlled SubstanceMichigan Criminal Defense Attorneys for OWPD Michigan laws routinely change regarding alcohol and drug-related driving…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post The Prosecution of Medical Marijuana Possession or DeliveryMedical Marijuana Prosecution is Out of Control The Media is Being Manipulated With the legalization…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post Michigan Expungement Lawyers – Get a Clean RecordYou Only Get One Bite at the Apple - It Takes a Great Lawyer to…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post Law Mandates Recording of Interviews in All Major Felony CasesRecording Suspect Interviews in Felony Cases A law was passed in 2012 requiring the police…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post New law regarding video recording interrogations of individuals in custodial detention.Some Interrogations of Custodial Defendants Must be Video Recorded Defendants charged with serious crimes risk…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post Transferring or possessing a short-barreled shotgun or short-barreled rifle.Transferring or possessing a short-barreled firearm. In Michigan, prosecutors are notoriously tough on firearms charges,…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post Oakland County Prosecutor Charges a 12-year-Old GirlChild Charged in Oakland County with Armed Robbery The Oakland County Prosecutor’s office is notorious…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post Press Release – Attorney Loren Dickstein successfully assists his client avoid federal prison.A great criminal defense attorney can obtain extraordinary results. Detroit, MI, January 7, 2012 -…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post Protecting your Fourth Amendment rights.Evidence Seized in Violation of the Fourth Amendment Must Be Suppressed. Power corrupts, and absolute…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post Police Officer Testimony about 911 Call Ruled InadmissibleNo one is above the law, including prosecutors. A strong, fearless defense lawyer is a…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post Michigan law does not prohibit citizens from recording police officers performing their duties.Video Recording the Police is Legal in Michigan. Suppose you witness police officers making an…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post Michigan Supreme Court rules that impossibility is a defense to a child support felony case.Impossibility as a Defense to a Child Support Felony Sometimes it is simply impossible to…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post Michigan State Police Update from MayOWI, Domestic Violence, Larceny, Etc. A top criminal defense law firm stays abreast of the…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post Michigan Sex Offender Registration Act Information SORAMichigan Sex Offender Registration Act Prosecutors and judges are notoriously tough on felony violations of…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post Michigan Motion to Suppress AttorneysMotion to Suppress Evidence Seized Incident to Arrest in Michigan The police look for excuses…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post Motion to Terminate Probation or Motion for Early Discharge from ProbationEarly Discharge from Probation It is possible to file a Motion for Early Discharge of…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post Michigan’s Top 50 Felonies – Felony Defense LawyerTop 50 Felony Offenses Charged in Michigan A felony is a criminal offense that has…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post Need a Good Michigan Criminal Defense LawyerMichigan’s Highest-Rated Criminal Defense Attorneys If you are accused of a crime, you will want…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post New Case Update – Conviction Reversed Due to Inadmissible HearsayConviction Reversed Due to Inadmissible Hearsay Generally, hearsay is inadmissible; however, there are many exceptions…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post What does Apprendi mean for purposes of Sentencing?What is Apprendi, and how can it help me at sentencing? Unless the defendant agrees,…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post Motion to SuppressConsent Once Removed Doctrine The police might have violated your 4th Amendment Rights if you…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post Michigan’s Motorcycle Helmet LawMotorcycle Helmet Law Michigan Compiled Law 257.658 repealed the Motorcycle Helmet law, which required all…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post Michigan’s Organized Retail Crime ActAttorneys with Experience Defending Organized Retail Fraud Charges Retail fraud, or shoplifting, is a serious…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post Motion for Early Termination of ProbationWould you like an early discharge from probation? A defendant on reporting or non-reporting probation…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post Michigans Sex Offender Registry can be Unconstitutional as Applied to Certain IndividualsMichigans Sex Offender Registry Some people are illegally required to register under the Michigan Sex…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post Motion to Suppress Attorneys in Oakland County Circuit CourtRecent Opinion on a Case out of the Oakland County Circuit Court In the Oakland…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post What Constitutes Possession in Child Pornography Cases?Criminal Defense of Child Pornography Charges The defense of child pornography charges, or CSAM, is…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post West Bloomfield Police Officer Implicated in Ticket Fixing Scheme for ProfitTicket Fixing Scheme for Profit by West Bloomfield Police Officer Police officers are generally law-abiding,…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post What is Heidi’s Law, and How Can a Michigan Drunk Driving Attorney Help You?Felony Drunk Driving Under Heidi's Law in Michigan Under current Michigan law, a third OWI…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post Revenge Porn and its Consequences in MichiganRevenge Porn is the Posting of Explicit Images to Threaten or Intimidate a Victim In…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post What You Should Do if Stopped for OWI or DUI in MichiganHere is what you need to know about OWI or DUI charges in Michigan. Most…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post What are my rights if I am charged with a crime?What will a top Michigan criminal attorney do to help me? If you face felony…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post What can I do at my probation interview to get a good recommendation?The Probation Interview Is Critically Important. If a probation officer interviews you, you will want…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post Video and Audio Recording of InterrogationsRecording interrogations in major felony investigations in Michigan. The law requires police to video and…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014