blog post What are Dismissals With and Without Prejudice?What is a dismissal without prejudice? A dismissal without prejudice is not permanent and can…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post What are common defenses used in a criminal trial in Michigan?Common Defenses Used in a Criminal Trial If you are accused of a felony or…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post Who is the best Oakland County Criminal Attorney for me?Who is the best Oakland County Criminal Attorney for me? A good criminal defense lawyer…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post Why You Need a Michigan Criminal Defense Lawyer.There is No Substitute for an Experienced Criminal Defense Attorney If you have been charged…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post First Offense Drunk Driving in MichiganFirst Offense Drunk Driving Charges - What to Expect? The most common question asked by…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post What is a fair price for a very good Michigan Criminal Defense Lawyer?What is the real impact of a criminal conviction? A criminal conviction can result in…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post What is the value of an attorney? Shakespeare knew the answer.Kill all the lawyers? Most people are familiar with Dick the Butcher’s famous line in…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post The Best Macomb County Criminal Defense AttorneyWho is the best criminal defense attorney in Macomb County? One attorney might not be…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post When Can Silence be Used Against You?When Can Silence Be Used Against You? You have a 5th Amendment right to remain…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post What should a Michigan Criminal Attorney do to help their client?How can a criminal defense attorney help me? There is a meaningful difference between a…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post What should your Michigan Criminal Defense Attorney be doing for you?Michigan Criminal Defense Attorney What does a great criminal lawyer do in felony and misdemeanor…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post Should I take the Field Sobriety Tests?If stopped by the police after consuming alcohol, you will likely ask yourself, "should I…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post Should I hire a family law lawyer to handle my divorce case?“Do I need a top-level family law lawyer, or would an ordinary lawyer be sufficient?”…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post The Appeal Process from a Top Michigan Appeal Attorney Appellate LawyerAppeal Process from a Michigan Appellate Lawyer If you were wrongfully convicted or the judge…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post Responsibilities of a Michigan Criminal Defense AttorneyWhat are the responsibilities of a criminal defense lawyer? No one plans for the expense…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post Sex Offender Registration Act SORA is Likely to Be Amended SoonSORA Update Potential Sex Offender Registration Act Update The Sex Offender Registration Act might be…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post Special Privileges and Treatment for Police Officer Caught Having Sex with Transvestite ProstituteSpecial Privileges and Treatment for Police Officers Police officers and other public figures are often…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post Search Warrant Exceptions – Constitution Defense AttorneysSearch and Seizure Law Under the 4th Amendment Unless a valid exception applies, a search…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post Search Incident to Arrest – Not a Blanket Exception to the Warrant RequirementThe Incident to Arrest Doctrine The United States Supreme Court has ruled that a search…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post The term “operate” was recently clarified by the Michigan Court of Appeals.“In terms of OWI law, what does operating mean?” Operating does not mean driving. In…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post Thoughts from a Federal Medicare Fraud LawyerCriminal Defense for Health Care Professionals The government is aggressively pursuing the prosecution of healthcare…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post The “Best Lawyer” – Unethical Claims Lawyers Make During Self PromotionThe Best Criminal Defense Lawyer in Michigan? Lawyers are ethically prohibited from making false or…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post Top 10 Types of Criminal Charges Defendants Face in MichiganFelony and Misdemeanor Crimes in Michigan LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. is Michigan's premier criminal defense…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog postMarijuana Laws The Oakland County Prosecutors Office completely disregards the concerns and attitudes of the citizens it serves.Oakland County Medical Marijuana Prosecution The Oakland County Prosecutors Office Has a History of Failing…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post Traffic Ticket Defense Attorney (get charges dismissed!)Michigan Traffic Ticket Defense Attorney Traffic Ticket Defense is in Oakland, Macomb, Livingston, Washtenaw, and…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post In Michigan courts, fathers are continually discounted and disrespected. This is unacceptable!A Father’s Right To His Children If the court does not take a father’s rights…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post The Police Can Legally Trick Suspects Into Incriminating ThemselvesThe Police Can Lawfully Use Dirty Tactics in Michigan The United States Court of Appeals…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog postMarijuana Laws Is the Federal Government Allowing Marijuana Legalization Laws to Take Effect?The Legalization of Marijuana Although not legal under federal law, marijuana is gaining greater acceptance…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post The Exclusionary Rule Search and Seizure and Arrests A Brief LookHow does the Exclusionary Rule apply to the Fourth Amendment, Search and Seizure, and Arrests?…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post The greatest criminal defense lawyer.Who is the top criminal defense lawyer of all time? The identity of the best…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post The Casey Anthony Verdict and the Media Reaction Demonstrate a Staunch Conservative Press BiasBeyond a Reasonable Doubt The standard of “beyond a reasonable doubt” is the cornerstone of…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post The Best OWI Attorney NeededThe Best OWI Attorney in Michigan for You If you face drunk driving or drugged…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post The Court of Appeals has ruled that Notice is Required for a Driving While License Suspended ConvictionNotice is Required for a Driving While License Suspended Conviction Do not let the prosecution…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post The Michigan Innocence Clinic Announces Another Success StoryInnocent Client Means Case Dismissed! Defendants are wrongfully convicted every day in the United States.…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post Tougher Penalties for Animal Abuse, Neglect, Torture, or KillingMichigan Animal Neglect and Abuse Penalties Because animals have no voice and are generally defenseless,…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014
blog post The Standard for Ineffective Assistance of Counsel is Very HighDo Not Pin Your Hopes on Ineffective Assistance of Counsel A criminal defendant is constitutionally…Michigan Criminal DefenseMay 29, 2014