Criminal Defense Detroit MIDrunk Driving AttorneyMichigan DUI Defense AttorneysOWIOWI CasesOWI ChargesOWI Defense Felony Drunk Driving MichiganBest Defense for Felony Drunk Driving in Michigan Facing a felony drunk driving charge in…Michigan Criminal DefenseMarch 30, 2021
OWI CDL Operating While Intoxicated (OWI-DUI)An OWI while operating a commercial vehicle has severe consequences. The driver of commercial motor…Michigan Criminal DefenseApril 26, 2020
blog postOWI Operating While Intoxicated on Private Property“Can I be charged with OWI if my car was on private property?” The Michigan…Michigan Criminal DefenseOctober 16, 2019
OWIOWI Cases Is a warrant always needed for blood draws in DUI or OWI cases?Is a warrant always needed for blood draws in DUI or OWI cases? If the…Michigan Criminal DefenseNovember 5, 2014