Family Law Lawyers Protecting Men’s Rights
Men are at a distinct disadvantage in a divorce or custody proceeding. Judges bend over backward to rule in favor of the woman. It takes a well-respected, influential, and tenacious lawyer to turn the tables.

Fathers can get a raw deal in divorce and custody matters.
Child custody for fathers following a divorce is one of the most important aspects of a dissolving marriage. Throughout history, the legal presumptions about child custody for fathers have changed significantly. Before the twentieth century, children were regarded as the property of their fathers. Under common law, child custody for fathers was commonly awarded, as children were considered a father’s rightful property. After this period in history, a significant shift occurred as family courts came to favor mothers in child custody cases. It was presumed that under normal circumstances, children did better when placed in the sole custody of their mothers. Top family law lawyers will do whatever it takes to protect and fight for custody for fathers.

We Know the Top Lawyers for Men’s Rights and Custody for Fathers
In the cases handled by the Defense Team with LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C., we regularly see wives and ex-wifes use domestic violence allegations and criminal sexual conduct allegations to gain leverage in divorce cases and child custody disputes. The criminal defense lawyers with LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. are experts in handling criminal cases with divorce and custody implications.
Because our lawyers frequently handle difficult, complex criminal cases with divorce and custody repercussions, we have formed associations with the most qualified, top divorce attorneys in the State of Michigan. As each case has its own merits and complexities, we can refer clients to the most qualified family law lawyers that are the best suited for their unique situation. Our highest priority in making a Michigan divorce attorney referral is finding the lawyer who will do whatever it takes to obtain the best possible result, including fighting for custody for fathers. You will want an attorney who will tirelessly, tenaciously, and fearlessly represent you and be compassionate and honest.

There is someone who can help you…
If you need a top MI divorce attorney or divorce lawyer and you need some help finding the best divorce attorney for you and, if applicable, your children, please do not hesitate to call us for some direction. Our attorneys can help you find an attorney who will do whatever is necessary to protect you and fight for your rights in Oakland County, Wayne County, Macomb County, Washtenaw County, Livingston County, or anywhere in Michigan.
Call us today at (248) 263-6800 for a free consultation or complete an online Request for Assistance Form. We will contact you promptly and find a way to help you.