Erase Your Criminal Record
A past mistake should not continue to hold you back from a career, family, promotion, professional license, citizenship, or your firearms rights. Expungements are not automatic, and your best chance of success is with an experienced attorney assisting you.

Clear Your Record of Criminal Convictions
A criminal conviction can have a catastrophic impact on your life and career. The attorneys at LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. have helped scores of people fix their criminal records by filing and arguing motions for expungements, motions for relief from judgment, as well as by appealing decisions to higher courts. We also help those whose criminal records reflect erroneous convictions. That was the case with a recent client we’ll call Paul. After discovering he had an old felony conviction out of a Wayne County district court, he came to our firm.
In 1982, Paul was a young man living in Michigan. He got into some mischief, broke a few car windows, and found himself in big trouble with the law. He was arrested, charged with felony malicious destruction of property, and faced the allegations in court. His attorney reached an agreement at the time with the Wayne County assistant prosecutor to reduce the charge to a misdemeanor and dismiss all charges upon the completion of probation. Paul successfully completed his probation, and the judge dismissed the case. He went on to join the Navy, where he served his country for decades.

How to Fix a Criminal Record
Flash forward to the present. Paul, who now lives in California, attempted to purchase a firearm. To his shock, the seller told him he didn’t pass a background check, which revealed he had a felony conviction from 1982! He knew that wasn’t possible. Paul had passed many background checks since joining the Navy and never had a problem. He had no idea he had to take steps to fix his criminal record. After losing appeals with California’s secretary of state and the FBI, Paul contacted the Michigan district court to see why the conviction was still on his record. To his dismay, the court clerk had no record of his arrest, charge, or conviction because all records from that time had been lost.
That was when Paul found LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. We have decades of experience fixing criminal records, and we have an appetite for finding creative solutions to complex problems. After thoroughly investigating Paul’s case, we determined that a lawsuit against the court was necessary to compel it to correct the record. Sometimes, defense attorneys need to go on the offensive. Ultimately, we settled the matter with the court and obtained justice for our client. That order correcting the record has now gone nationwide, the FBI has certified it, and Paul’s criminal record is again blemish-free.

Experienced and Successful Expungement Attorneys
If you need help fixing your criminal record, call us. We will find a way to help you. The legal system can be complicated and challenging to navigate. It would be best to have an attorney who understands how all the levers work and has the persistence that is often necessary to fix a criminal record. The Criminal Defense Attorneys with LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. have decades of experience and an unparalleled track record helping clients clear their criminal records.
Call us today at (248) 263-6800 for a free consultation or complete an online Request for Assistance Form. We will contact you promptly and find a way to help you.