Avoid Jail on a Felony or Misdemeanor Conviction
If you are accused of a felony or misdemeanor criminal offense, you are likely concerned about possible jail time. An experienced, reputable defense lawyer gives you your best hope of avoiding incarceration.

Jail is Not Mandatory for Most Crimes in Michigan
If you stand accused of a crime, hiring an attorney is one of the best decisions you can make to increase your chances of avoiding time in Michigan. LEWIS & DICKSTEIN P.L.L.C. is one of Michigan’s most aggressive law firms with a track record of success defending clients who have faced charges for violent and nonviolent crimes. If your top concern is avoiding time in jail, hiring LEWIS & DICKSTEIN P.L.L.C. to represent you in Michigan is undoubtedly worthwhile. While no lawyer can guarantee any particular outcome, our team of defense lawyers has decades of experience helping clients avoid jail, even when the odds are stacked against them. Every case is defensible, and every sentence can be mitigated when the lawyer is willing to tirelessly and fearlessly fight for the client’s best interest.
Can I expect to avoid jail time in Michigan if I work with LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C.?
Our attorneys form close mutual trust and respect with each client, hearing your side of the story and acting as your voice. Together with our clients, we develop a strategy to get charges dropped or negotiate a plea bargain that will result in a lighter punishment, including the possibility of avoiding jail time in Michigan. Standing accused of a crime is one of the most stressful situations an individual can find themselves in. Knowing you have one of Michigan’s most committed attorney teams representing you can put your mind at ease as you focus on your defense. Our unique team approach is second to none in keeping clients out of jail. Most Michigan criminal defense lawyers work in solo or small practices; we have a law firm comprised of highly experienced, seasoned veterans. Our attorneys will collaborate and work together to get you the best possible outcome.

Will I serve jail time? Is it possible to avoid jail time in Michigan?
There is no real way to answer this question without knowing more about your case. Every case is complicated, and every judge is different. Your past criminal record and the severity of the charge certainly impact any potential sentence. Suppose you are found guilty of a first-offense misdemeanor charge. In that case, the chances of you staying out of jail are strong, seeing that Michigan’s jails are overcrowded. The state has made a concerted effort to reduce the number of individuals incarcerated. The judge will consider their impression of you in court, among other things. We will work with you to make sure you make the best possible impact on the court.
If the crime was malicious or intentional, and the judge determines that you pose a threat to society, jail time may be more likely; however, we have a track record of keeping clients out of jail even under the most extreme circumstances. If a judge sentenced you to serve time in jail, the attorneys at LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. might convince a judge to reduce your sentence and release you from jail.
The bottom line is that every case and defendant is different, and the approach at sentencing and plea-bargaining changes with every situation. We will customize a plan precisely to fit you and the facts of your case to give you the best chance of avoiding the inside of a jail or prison cell.
How Top Defense Lawyers Persuade Judges to Consider Alternatives to Jail
Top defense lawyers understand the profound impact that incarceration can have on an individual’s life and diligently work to persuade judges to consider alternatives to jail. At LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C., our attorneys employ several strategies to achieve this goal, grounded in a deep understanding of the law, the specifics of each case, and the overarching principles of justice and rehabilitation.
Firstly, we present a comprehensive, well-researched argument highlighting the benefits of alternatives to incarceration, such as probation, community service, and rehabilitation programs. These alternatives not only serve to rehabilitate the accused but also alleviate the burden on the overcrowded prison system in Michigan, offering a solution that benefits both the individual and society at large.
We also focus on our clients’ individual circumstances, emphasizing factors such as their background, employment history, family responsibilities, and any efforts they have made toward rehabilitation or restitution. By humanizing our clients and demonstrating their potential for positive contributions to society, we make a compelling case for leniency and the opportunity for a second chance.
Moreover, our attorneys are skilled in leveraging legal precedents and statutory provisions that support alternative sentencing options. We meticulously prepare for each case, ensuring that we have a strong legal foundation for our arguments and can effectively counter any opposition from the prosecution.
At LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C., our expertise and dedication to our clients’ well-being drive us to explore every avenue to avoid jail time. By persuasively arguing for alternatives that focus on rehabilitation and restitution, we strive to secure outcomes that are in the best interest of our clients and the community, reflecting our commitment to justice and protecting individual rights.

Lawyers for Avoiding Jail and Prison
Hiring an attorney with a proven track record of success is essential if you want to stay out of jail. LEWIS & DICKSTEIN P.L.L.C. has attorneys who are not afraid to win and will do whatever it takes to help you avoid jail time in Michigan. If you call us for a free consultation, we will take the time to talk with you, answer all your questions, and address your concerns. We will find a way to help you. When you work with our firm, you can expect:
- Extensive experience in criminal law
- Knowledge of the local court system
- A strong track record of success
- Excellent communication skills
- Aggressiveness in defense strategy
- Attention to detail
- Availability and responsiveness
- Professionalism and integrity
- Compassion and understanding
- Strategic thinking and creativity
Call us today at (248) 263-6800 for a free consultation or complete an online Request for Assistance Form. We will contact you promptly and find a way to help you.