The judges in the 52-1 District Court are Tough on OWI Cases

I am facing an OWI charge in Novi, Michigan. Should I be worried? Is there something special about the Novi District Court

Michigan Best Criminal Defense Attorney

Facing OWI Charges in the 52-1 District Court in Novi, Michigan

Michigan does not treat OWI cases lightly. Thousands die or are disabled in alcohol and drug-related accidents each year. The defense attorneys with LEWIS AND DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. have represented thousands of clients who have faced OWI charges in Novi’s 52-1 District Court and other cities in Michigan and realize how responsible, upstanding citizens can find themselves facing an OWI charge. A conviction can change every aspect of a person’s life, and we will walk you through this scary and vulnerable time without judgment.

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Will I lose my driver’s license? What will happen to me?

“Will I lose my driver’s license?” is one of the first questions clients facing OWI charges will ask. Anyone convicted of OWI charges might lose driving privileges. The length of the suspension will depend on several factors, including the blood alcohol content and the defendant’s prior record. A top Novi defense attorney helps their client avoid losing driving privileges by fighting to get charges dismissed or reduced. The punishment may be more severe if a minor was in the vehicle during the incident or any involved party experienced an injury. In addition to losing one’s driver’s license, judges sometimes hand down heavy fines, jail time, mandated community service, therapy, and required alcohol education courses. LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C.’s attorneys are well versed in providing OWI defense in Novi’s 52-1 District Court and know how to lessen the punishment for each client.

Michigan Criminal Defense Attorney

Do I really need an attorney to represent me for OWI?

Yes, you do! In Novi, a defendant facing an OWI charge can bargain down criminal charges. Few lawyers are seasoned or skilled enough to effectively fight for a reduced charge. Our attorneys explore every avenue. For example, we may discover that the tests administered during the arrest were unreliable. If appropriate for your case and there is a good chance you can be acquitted, we will take your case to trial and seek an acquittal. Most defense lawyers are known to plead all their OWI cases in Novi and are not a credible threat to the prosecutor. If the prosecutor knows in advance that your lawyer will push you to plead guilty, there is no incentive to offer an extraordinary resolution. That is not what will happen when we represent you!

Whether you face a misdemeanor OWI or a felony OWI charge, it is crucial to enlist the help of the qualified, seasoned, and respected attorneys at LEWIS AND DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. The likelihood of receiving a plea bargain, maybe even to a non-alcohol-related charge, will improve if you receive thorough and aggressive legal representation.

Call us today at (248) 263-6800 for a free consultation or complete an online Request for Assistance Form. We will contact you promptly and find a way to help you.

We will find a way to help you.
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