Eligibility for Prison SAI Boot Camp
Special Alternative Incarceration (SAI) is a structured, intensive, 90-day program that concentrates on altering antisocial behavior into socially acceptable behavior.

“What is SAI Prison Boot Camp?”
SAI began in 1988 as an alternative to prison for male probationers convicted of certain offenses and selected by the courts. The Michigan Department of Corrections (MDOC) added male and female prisoners and probationers to the program in 1992. They transferred the female population to the Women’s Huron Valley Correctional Facility in 2014. State law prohibits participation for those convicted of several predominantly violent offenses. Many people facing felony charges have difficulty finding reliable answers about Prison Boot Camp eligibility.
“What happens at SAI boot camp?”
The purpose of the military discipline portion of the program is to eradicate streetwise attitudes so that the staff can teach positive values and attitudes. Three phases comprise SAI’s operation: Getting Ready, Going Home, and Staying Home. Participation in each phase is determined using the Correctional Offender Management Profiling for Alternative Sanctions (COMPAS) assessment and the Transition Accountability Plan (TAP) to evaluate each offender’s strengths and deficiencies. MDOC takes a phased approach to incarceration. Immediately following sentencing and placement, the staff prepares for the inmate’s return home. Before SAI Prison Boot Camp placement, inmates are processed to confirm their eligibility.
- Phase I: Getting Ready consists of the time between conviction and release, approximately two months (roughly the last two months of incarceration);
- Phase II: Going Home, involves final preparations for release; and
- Phase III: Staying Home consists of the parole supervision phase.
A defendant is INELIGIBLE for Prison Boot Camp if any of the following applies to them:
- The prosecutor filed a habitual offender notice and will not dismiss it.
- The defendant previously served a felony prison sentence (unless they are still serving that first prison commitment).
- Defendant previously completed the SAI program (unless they did not complete it for medical or mental health reasons).
- The minimum term is greater than three (3) years (or greater than two (2) years for home invasion or attempted home invasion).
- The defendant is physically unable to participate in the program.
- The defendant has a mental disability that prevents participation.
- The sentencing judge prohibited SAI placement at sentencing or post-sentencing.
- The defendant has pending felony charges or a pending felony or immigration detainer (but they become eligible when the defendant resolves the detainer or charges).
- The defendant opposes placement in SAI.
“Are some offenses ineligible for Michigan’s Prison SAI Boot Camp?
Defendants convicted of certain offenses are ineligible for Prison Boot Camp. A defendant convicted of any of the following crimes (including attempt, conspiracy, or solicitation to commit) the following crimes is ineligible for boot camp:
- MCL 257.625(4) & (5) (OWI death and serious injury)
- MCL 750.10a (sexually delinquent person)
- MCL 750.11 (taking a woman and compelling her to marry)
- MCL 750.49 (animal fighting)
- MCL 750.72 (arson – first degree)
- MCL 750.73 (arson – second degree)
- MCL 750.75 (arson – fourth degree)
- MCL 750.80 (setting fire to mines)
- MCL 750.83 (assault with intent murder)
- MCL 750.86 (assault with intent maim)
- MCL 750.89 (assault with intent to rob armed)
- MCL 750.91 (attempted murder)
- MCL 750.112 (burglary with explosives)
- MCL 750.136 (cruelty to children)
- M.C.L. 750.136b (1)(2)(3) or (4) (child abuse)
- M.C.L. 750.145a (accosting, enticing, or soliciting a child for immoral purposes)
- MCL 750.145b (accosting, enticing, or soliciting a child for immoral purposes)
- MCL 750.145c (child sexually abusive activity or material)
- MCL 750.157b (solicitation murder)
- MCL 750.158 (sodomy)
- MCL 750.193 (breaking prison; escape)
- M.C.L. 750.195 (jail; escape)
- M.C.L. 750.207 (explosives, intent to terrorize)
- MCL 750.213 (malicious threats to extort money)
- MCL 750.260 (counterfeiting)
- MCL 750.316 (first-degree murder)
- MCL 750.317 (second-degree murder)
- MCL 750.319 (death as a result of fighting in a duel)
- MCL 750.321 (manslaughter)
- MCL 750.327 (death due to explosives)
- MCL 750.328 (death due to explosives with intent to destroy building or object)
- MCL 750.329 (death, firearm pointed intentionally but without malice)
- M.C.L. 750.333 (incest)
- MCL 750.335a (indecent exposure)
- MCL 750.336 (indecent liberties with a child)
- MCL 750.338 (gross indecency, males)
- M.C.L. 750.338a (gross indecency, female)
- MCL 750.338b (gross indecency, male and female)
- M.C.L. 750.339 (debauchery by females of males under 15)
- MCL 750.340 (debauchery by males of males under 15)
- MCL 750.341 (carnal knowledge of state ward)
- MCL 750.342 (carnal knowledge of female state ward)
- MCL 750.349 (kidnapping)
- MCL 750.349a (prisoner taking hostage)
- M.C.L. 750.350 (kidnapping child under 14)
- MCL 750.397 (mayhem)
- MCL 750.422 (perjury in court)
- MCL 750.436 (poisoning food or drink)
- MCL 750.448 (soliciting and accosting)
- M.C.L. 750.455 (pandering)
- MCL 750.511 (attempt to wreck train or endanger the safety of passengers)
- MCL 750.520 (rape)
- M.C.L. 750.520b (C.S.C. first-degree)
- M.C.L. 750.520c (C.S.C. second-degree)
- M.C.L. 750.520d (C.S.C. third-degree)
- M.C.L. 750.520e (C.S.C. fourth-degree)
- M.C.L. 750.520f (CSC, second or subsequent offense)
- M.C.L. 750.520g (C.S.C., assault with intent)
- M.C.L. 750.529 (armed robbery)
- M.C.L. 750.529a (carjacking)
- MCL 750.531 (bank robbery)
- MCL 750.544 (treason)
- M.C.L. 750.542 (incitement to riot)

Habitual Offenders
A defendant with a habitual offender notice, convicted of a serious drug crime with a previous drug conviction, is ineligible for prison boot camp until they serve any mandatory minimum term. Anyone convicted of assaultive sexual behavior cannot participate in boot camp. Any defendant serving a felony firearm sentence is ineligible and barred from SAI boot camp if their total sentence (including the felony firearm sentence) exceeds 36 months. Prison Boot Camp might be unavailable for habitual offenders unless an expert can devise a way to satisfy the eligibility requirements.
SAI Prison Boot Camp with Probation
In rare cases, a skilled defense light might persuade a judge to order probation with SAI boot camp as an alternative to a lengthy prison sentence. Many defense attorneys, prosecutors, and judges are unaware probation with SAI participation is possible and unaware of the Prison Boot Camp eligibility rules altogether. A probationer is ineligible for boot camp if any of the following apply:
- they’ve served prison time,
- they’ve previously completed boot camp,
- they are physically or mentally unable to participate,
- they have a pending felony or immigration detainer,
- the sentencing guidelines are under 12 months,
- the sentence is for a probation violation on charges for first, second, or fourth-degree arson, child sexually abusive activity or material, or criminal sexual conduct.

A Skilled Defense Lawyer Can Help With Prison Boot Camp Eligibility
If you or a loved one faces a potentially lengthy prison sentence and wants SAI boot camp consideration, an experienced, influential defense lawyer can mean the difference between success and failure. Those facing serious felony charges and lengthy prison sentences often turn to the Defense Team with LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. for help. Our lawyers have an unparalleled track record for persuading sentencing judges to consider alternatives to lengthy incarceration. Our proven and reliable system compellingly demonstrates the need for rehabilitation instead of punishment. Call us for a free consultation. We will take the time to talk with you, answer your questions about Prison Boot Camp eligibility, and work with you to develop a winning strategy.
Call us today at (248) 263-6800 for a free consultation or complete an online Request for Assistance Form. We will contact you promptly and find a way to help you.