Repeat OWI Offenses, like OWI 2nd, are Serious.
A Repeat OWI Offense, such as a DUI 2nd Offense, is Serious, and You Need the Help of Highly Experienced Attorneys With Decades of Experience Defending and Protecting Clients in Courts Throughout Michigan.

Defense of alcohol-related driving offenses, including OWI Second Offense.
A repeat OWI offense or DUI 2nd offense can seem earth-shattering and devastating. There are numerous consequences and ramifications that come from this offense. However, with proper legal representation, the problems can be eliminated or, at the very least, minimized. A DUI 2nd offense is a serious offense that carries a mandatory minimum of five (5) days in jail. It carries substantial penalties, including jail for up to one year, substantial fines and costs, lengthy probation with strict conditions, therapy, support group meetings, and many more. There are other consequences that will affect you. For instance, the Michigan Department of State will revoke your driver’s license for at least one year. No hardship, work, or school exceptions exist for that one year. There are also possible employment issues, and you can expect a substantial increase in your automobile insurance premiums if you are not canceled altogether.

There is a possibility of a restricted driver’s license ONLY if you are involved in a Sobriety Court program, and then it is only allowed as long as you comply with the program. Also, you must wait 45 days before the judge can consider a restricted license.
You need the best legal representation to protect yourself, your freedom, and your livelihood. LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. are the premier DUI lawyers in Michigan. The firm’s attorneys have the experience, passion, and aggressiveness needed to protect you and get you the very best resolution possible on a DUI 2nd offense.
What can an Experienced DUI lawyer in Michigan do for you?
The attorneys with LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. are some of Michigan’s most experienced DUI lawyers. Its attorneys work hard and passionately to ensure your rights are protected. They make sure that the police reports are reviewed thoroughly, along with the in-car and arrest videos. Also, our attorneys and staff conduct a complete review of the breathalyzer process and any field sobriety tests. It must be apparent that the police officers did everything “by the book.” A good lawyer would use their mistakes to benefit you if they did not.
Also, an experienced DUI lawyer in Michigan will have access to therapy and treatment providers to evaluate you and address any substance abuse issues. Under the right circumstances, Michigan law permits a judge to waive the mandatory minimum of five (5) days in jail. A great lawyer will know how to give you the best chance of avoiding jail time for an OWI 2nd offense. It is essential to get therapists involved because they can often educate a court about what is going on in a person’s life and help minimize any penalty.

You can count on the DUI lawyers at Lewis & Dickstein for help with a DUI 2nd Offense.
Each attorney with LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. has dedicated their professional life to ensuring that the government treats people with criminal offenses fairly. An overzealous prosecutor or police officer is unacceptable to them. The playing field must be level, and the firm’s attorneys make that happen by any means necessary. You cannot go wrong by having the attorneys of LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. in your corner.
Call us today at (248) 263-6800 for a free consultation or complete an online Request for Assistance Form. We will contact you promptly and find a way to help you.