Navigating Michigan Domestic Violence and Spousal Abuse Charges
A Defense Attorney’s Guide: An introduction to Michigan’s complex legal landscape surrounding spousal abuse allegations.

Domestic Violence Charges Involving Spouses
Unfortunately, life is sometimes complicated, and things can go in unintended directions in a marriage. When there are allegations of spousal abuse resulting in criminal charges, the accused will often find themselves feeling “guilty until proven innocent.” Police, prosecutors, and judges often assume allegations are truthful, even without credible evidence. Hasty assumptions about the veracity of assault allegations might result in restraining orders, no-contact provisions, problems with custody and visitation with children, and more. Whether allegations are truthful, untruthful, or somewhere in the middle, anyone facing these severe allegations needs experienced, respected legal counsel.
The Role of a Defense Attorney in Spousal Abuse Cases
Defense attorneys play a critical role in defending against spousal abuse charges, including the protection of their client’s legal rights and strategy development. Although a top defense lawyer’s work is highly complex, here are some highlights of their role in defending against spousal abuse allegations:
Case Assessment and Strategy Development
A defense attorney will first review all the facts of the case, including the circumstances of the arrest and the evidence against the client. They will interview the client to understand their perspective and construct a legal strategy. This interview might involve identifying inconsistencies in the accuser’s account, finding exculpatory evidence, determining whether they can leverage procedural errors in the client’s defense, and collecting mitigation evidence to assist negotiations.
Evidence Gathering and Analysis
Attorneys conduct a thorough investigation to gather all pertinent evidence. They may collect physical evidence, secure surveillance footage, subpoena phone records, and interview witnesses (if any). They will also scrutinize the evidence presented by the prosecution, often working with forensic experts to analyze medical reports, DNA evidence, or other technical aspects of the case to challenge the prosecution’s narrative. In “he-said-she-said” cases, the defense lawyer will work to develop an effective means of attacking the credibility of the accusations.
Legal Motion Filing When Fighting Against Spousal Abuse Charges
Defense attorneys will file various pre-trial motions that could significantly impact the case. These may include motions to dismiss due to lack of evidence, motions to suppress illegally obtained evidence, or motions to exclude witness testimony. Experienced spousal abuse defense lawyers will also ensure the government did not violate the client’s constitutional rights at any point during the investigation or arrest. The defense attorneys with LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. have decades of experience and are well-respected for filing proficient, credible, and compelling legal pleadings, including motions.
Negotiation with Prosecutors Regarding Spousal Abuse Charges
A significant part of a defense attorney’s job involves negotiating with prosecutors to reduce or dismiss charges. Skilled attorneys might negotiate for a plea deal that could result in lesser charges or push for alternative sentencing options like counseling or community service, especially if it’s a first-time offense or mitigating circumstances exist. Achieving a dismissal is always the priority of the Defense Team with LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C.
Court Representation and Advocacy
If the spousal abuse charges go to trial, the attorney will represent the client in court, advocate on their behalf, and fight for an acquittal. Trial litigation includes selecting a sympathetic jury, cross-examining witnesses, presenting a compelling narrative to the jury, and working to create reasonable doubt about the client’s guilt. If a case resolves without a trial, the attorney will still advocate for the client at hearings, arraignments, and sentencing, fearlessly fighting to achieve the best possible outcome.

Understanding Michigan’s Domestic Violence Laws
There are both direct and indirect penalties and consequences of a spousal abuse conviction. The potential criminal penalties in the event of a conviction are as follows:
- Spousal Abuse – First Offense 93 days and up to two (2) years of probation
- Spousal Abuse – Second Offense One year in jail and up to two (2) years of probation
- Spousal Abuse – Third Offense Five (5) years in prison and five (5) years of probation
In addition to the direct penalties of a spousal abuse conviction, such as jail, probation, fines, and costs, a spousal abuse conviction carries significant collateral consequences that can ripple through many areas of life. Relationships can suffer, leading to possible family estrangement and loss of child custody or visitation rights. Employment prospects may dim, particularly in sectors that require background checks. For non-citizens, the stakes are high, with potential deportation or impacts on naturalization. Housing options could narrow due to landlords’ wariness, and societal stigma may lead to damaged personal reputation and social isolation. The legal implications include losing firearm rights and facing financial burdens from fines and mandatory program fees. Professional licenses could be at risk, affecting careers long-term. A conviction for spousal abuse can have permanent negative impacts on relationships with all family members, including children and in-laws. Additionally, even long-standing, close friendships might be at risk.
Strategies for Building a Strong Defense
Defense attorneys use a multifaceted approach to build a defense against spousal abuse charges. They often begin by meticulously examining the accuser’s allegations and the incident’s circumstances, looking for inconsistencies or potential motives for false accusations, such as custody battles or relationship disputes, including pending divorce proceedings. Collecting and analyzing evidence is crucial, including text messages, emails, and social media posts, alongside physical evidence and eyewitness testimonies that may contradict the prosecution’s narrative. Top spousal abuse defense attorneys, such as those with LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C., may also scrutinize police reports and investigate whether law enforcement followed proper procedures during the arrest, searching for any procedural errors that could undermine the case. Expert witnesses, such as medical professionals or psychologists, may be brought in to challenge the prosecution’s claims about injuries or the victim’s state of mind. Defense strategies can also involve demonstrating the defendant’s positive character attributes and history, which might mitigate the situation or cast doubt on the likelihood of the alleged abuse, such as lack of prior violent convictions, employment history, reputation for peacefulness, etc.
The defense might be built around self-defense claims, especially if there is evidence that the accused was also injured or legitimately felt threatened. Throughout the process, attorneys maintain ongoing negotiations with prosecutors, sometimes leading to dropped or reduced charges or a highly beneficial plea bargain. Top spousal abuse defense attorneys never stop fighting for the best possible result. Unfortunately, for many people accused of abuse, their defense attorneys frequently “roll over” and give in to a prosecutor’s pressure. They agree to an unfavorable plea and then “sell” it to their clients. Defense attorneys who never stop fighting are uncommon. Prosecutors know which attorneys will not cave to their pressure, and these attorneys always get the best results for their clients.

False Accusations of Spousal Abuse
False allegations of spousal abuse can stem from a variety of complex and often deeply personal motives. In some instances, the accuser might be seeking leverage in divorce or custody proceedings, believing that a spousal abuse claim could tilt the legal outcomes in their favor. Emotions like anger, jealousy, or a desire for revenge can also drive an individual to falsely accuse a spouse of abuse, especially in the tumult of a relationship breakdown or in response to infidelity. Mental health issues, such as personality disorders or misunderstandings escalated by poor communication, can contribute to false accusations as well. Sometimes, these claims arise from an individual’s misinterpretation of a partner’s actions, where conduct was accidental or blown out of proportion. There’s also the phenomenon of “self-victimization,” where one might make false allegations for attention or sympathy, not fully considering an untruthful claim’s severe and wide-ranging implications. Whatever the reason, the consequences of false spousal abuse allegations can be devastating and far-reaching for the accused, making it essential that such claims are thoroughly investigated and adjudicated with care.
Michigan’s Domestic Violence Diversion Programs
Michigan’s statute MCL 769.4a pertains to domestic violence or spousal abuse charges, particularly addressing the situation for first-time offenders. Under this statute, if an individual pleads guilty to a domestic violence charge and has no prior convictions for domestic violence, the court may defer proceedings and place the individual on probation without entering a judgment of guilt. If they complete their probation term successfully, the judge dismisses the charges and clears them from the accused’s public criminal history.

Self-Defense as a Legal Defense
In Michigan, an individual—including a spouse—has the right to use reasonable force in self-defense if they honestly and rationally believe that they are in imminent danger of an unlawful battery and that the use of force is necessary to protect themselves. This principle applies even in domestic relationships; however, the force must be proportional to the threat.
Claims of self-defense are complicated in domestic violence cases because of the close personal relationship between the involved parties. It is crucial to have legal representation in such cases to ensure the right to self-defense is appropriately asserted and supported by credible evidence. If the accused acted in lawful self-defense, they are not guilty of spousal abuse charges.
Bond and Probation – Protective and No Contact Orders
It is customary for judges to order no contact between spouses when there are spousal abuse charges, even when the defendant and victim oppose a restraining order. When a couple desires contact, perhaps for therapy or the sake of children, their lives can be upended when a judge prohibits contact. In most cases, the husband and wife live together. If the judge orders the defendant not to have contact with their spouse or their marital home, the accused’s life can quickly turn upside down; the accused will essentially find themselves homeless and will have to find a new place to live. The defense lawyers with LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. have the credulity, respect, and influence to persuade judges to limit, modify, or reconsider no contact and protective orders.

The Importance of Top-Level Legal Representation
Having a strong, reputable defense attorney in Michigan to defend against spousal abuse allegations is crucial due to the grave and multifaceted implications of such charges. Spousal abuse cases are complex and emotionally charged, often involving intricate personal dynamics and potentially conflicting accounts of incidents. A seasoned defense attorney brings a deep understanding of Michigan’s legal statutes, including MCL 769.4a for first-time offenders. They can navigate the criminal justice system effectively, ensuring the protection of the accused’s rights and the presentation of all mitigating circumstances or innocence. Furthermore, a reputable attorney with a track record of successfully handling domestic violence cases will be familiar with local court practices and personnel, which can be advantageous in negotiations with prosecutors and interactions with judges.
Given the potential for severe consequences beyond legal penalties, such as damage to reputation, family relations, employment opportunities, and even permanent criminal records, the representation by a competent attorney is not merely a legal formality but a critical component of the defense that can have life-altering repercussions for the accused. An aggressive, savvy defense attorney serves as a shield and a strategic adviser, traits essential in reaching the best possible outcome in cases of spousal abuse charges.
Call us today at (248) 263-6800 for a free consultation or complete an online Request for Assistance Form. We will contact you promptly and find a way to help you.