The Best OWI Attorney in Michigan for You
If you face drunk driving or drugged driving charges, you need the best lawyer you can get. Don’t settle for a “family friend” or bargain attorney. Your future and liberty are essential; you need a top attorney for the best outcome.

Why you need the best OWI lawyer you can get.
Police officers arrested a woman in Jackson County who was said to be highly intoxicated by methadone pills. She was driving a car with her 2-year-old and 7-year-old children inside. The sheriff’s department says a deputy stopped the women’s car Tuesday evening following a 911 call from a motorist reporting an erratic driver. The woman was held at the Jackson County jail pending OWI charges. Police officers turned the children over to a relative. This case is an example of when someone would want the best OWI attorney they can get! There is no substitute for a defense lawyer specializing in criminal law, including OWI laws.
This woman needs the best OWI (operating while intoxicated) lawyer she can get. A charge of OWI that would ordinarily be a misdemeanor becomes a felony if children are in the car. A great “drunk driving” attorney would give their client the best chance to avoid jail or prison. Additionally, there is a real possibility this woman could be facing a child abuse/neglect petition if her OWI attorney is not very experienced and understands child protective proceedings.
Should I hire a lawyer for a first-offense OWI charge?
Just because it’s your first time doesn’t matter. Just because you have a perfect driving record doesn’t matter. If you’re 30, 40, 50, or 60 years old and have never been in trouble before, judges don’t care. More than 75% of those arrested for OWI, DUI, OUIL, and OWPD have spotless records. They’ve never been in trouble for anything. Most people charged with a first offense OWI have jobs, licenses, insurance, and many own houses and companies and have professional licenses. Not only does the court not care, but the Michigan Department of State does not care. You need the best OWI defense lawyer you can get when trying to protect your constitutional rights, freedom, and livelihood. Michigan’s OWI expungement law is a positive development in the law; however, it is best to fight right out of the gate to keep a first offense off your record, if possible.

How Do I Know if the Evidence Against me is Strong?
The police have evidence against you or wouldn’t have arrested or charged you with OWI, DUI, or another drug or alcohol-related driving offense. Evidence is strong in some cases and weak in others, but a person facing charges needs a vigorous, robust defense in every case. Police, courts, and prosecutors make a living from charging people with crimes such as OWI in Michigan. The government wants to ensure that every person arrested for OWI gets convicted. The system is stacked against you, so you want to get a top OWI lawyer. A top lawyer may be able to turn the tables on law enforcement and expose scientifically flawed breath and blood testing, violations of constitutional law, fake or exaggerated evidence, and violations of police procedure. You deserve the best OWI attorney you can get in your corner. Someone who cares about you, fights for you, and goes the extra mile for you. You need a respected attorney by your side if you want the best outcome possible with OWI charges. Some lawyers never get drunk driving charges reduced to civil infractions, such as careless driving, or achieve a dismissal of an Operating While Intoxicated charges; however, LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. regularly attains extraordinary results for their clients.
Don’t Trust Your Fate to the Lowest Bidder. The Best OWI Attorneys Get the Best Results
Be careful when hiring an OWI defense attorney for drunk driving charges. Your future, reputation, driver’s license, freedom, livelihood, and family are too important to treat hiring an attorney cavalierly. Look at attorney reviews online, make sure the State Bar of Michigan has never disciplined a prospective lawyer, find out if the attorney exclusively handles criminal defense, and talk with the attorney in-person to ensure you and the attorney are a good match. You will likely not get the best possible result if you work with a multi-practice attorney (one that does not exclusively handle criminal defense), a lawyer with bargain prices or “cookie-cutter” prices, or an attorney without a track record of success.
Lawyers that guarantee or promise results claim to have special relationships with judges or prosecutors, claim to “win” almost all of their cases, or don’t use written Fee Agreements, should be avoided at all costs. Promises, guarantees, and claims of “special relationships” are unethical, fraudulent, and illegal. If a lawyer takes any of these dubious tactics with you, it is a sign you need to look for a new attorney.

Top Michigan OWI Defense Attorneys
At LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C., we are some of the most skilled and aggressive OWI attorneys handling cases in Oakland County, Macomb County, Wayne County, Livingston County, Washtenaw County, and throughout Michigan. Our defense team has dealt with thousands of drug and alcohol-related cases. We have decades of experience successfully defending clients throughout Michigan and an unparalleled track record for achieving extraordinary results.
Please call us for a free consultation if you or a loved one faces alcohol or drug-related driving charges, such as OWI, OWID, DWI, OUIL, UBAL, DUI, etc. We will take the time to learn about you and the charges, answer all of your questions, and address each of your concerns. We will work with you to develop a winning strategy for your case.
Call us today at (248) 263-6800 for a free consultation or complete an online Request for Assistance Form. We will contact you promptly and find a way to help you.