Loren Dickstein Reflects on the Impact of Criminal Charges on Divorce
Domestic violence, criminal sexual conduct, harassment, stalking, and child abuse are a few of the allegations frequently arising in divorce proceedings.

Criminal Allegations and Charges Can Dramatically Impact Family Law Cases
Divorce and other family law issues arise due to chronic or acute circumstances. Chronic circumstances develop over time and prompt someone to take measures to make a change, such as filing for a separation, divorce, or modification in custody. Acute situations occur over a short period and are so impactful that a person contemplates or files legal action, such as divorce. Examples of acute circumstances include allegations of domestic violence, child abuse, criminal sexual conduct, neglect, and harassment. Unfortunately, people often exaggerate or lie about criminal allegations to gain an advantage in court regarding the separation of assets, child custody, child or spousal support, and property ownership or possession. The bottom line is that criminal charges can dramatically impact a divorce and other family law proceedings.
A Podcast with Criminal Defense Attorney Loren Dickstein
On June 20, 2023, Carri Goldring, a Divorce Lending Associate (CDLP), interviewed criminal defense lawyer Loren M. Dickstein on the Divorce Lending Association’s Divorce Literacy podcast. The podcast focuses on the impact of criminal allegations and charges on divorce proceedings and how a skilled criminal defense lawyer can help. Regardless of whether criminal allegations are true, partially true, or false, a top defense attorney can help reduce or eliminate the impact of criminal allegations and even formal charges.
Click to Hear: An Interview with Carri Goldring, a Certified Divorce Lending Professional

Why It Matters in Divorce Cases: Criminal Defense
Attorney Loren Dickstein, a partner at Lewis & Dickstein, a Michigan law firm specializing in criminal defense, is the guest speaker on this episode of Divorce Literacy with the Divorce Lending Association with Carri Goldring. Loren describes how his company works with family law attorneys, especially when there are criminal charges involved in a divorce, such as abuse of children or domestic violence. He emphasizes how crucial it is to get a criminal defense lawyer involved as soon as possible to shield clients from possible charges. Furthermore, Loren showcases his company’s successful defense of a client facing property damage charges, underscoring the critical role of knowledgeable legal counsel in divorce proceedings.
The Most Common Criminal Allegations in Divorce Proceedings
Whether false or true, someone might allege their spouse committed a crime to gain an advantage in court or settlement negotiations. Some disreputable divorce lawyers encourage their clients to falsify or exaggerate a situation to increase their leverage, create conflict (thus maximizing legal fees), get more money or assets, gain an advantage in a custody dispute, and more. The most common allegations in divorce cases in Michigan include the following:
- domestic violence,
- spousal abuse,
- child abuse or neglect,
- criminal sexual conduct,
- child molestation,
- accosting a child for an immoral purpose,
- producing, possessing, or distributing child pornography,
- malicious destruction of property,
- obstruction of justice,
- perjury,
- threatening communications,
- interference with a 911 call,
- trespassing, and
- felonious assault (assault with a dangerous weapon).

How an Experienced Criminal Defense Attorney Can Help Someone Facing Charges in a Divorce Situation
The Defense Team with LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. is frequently retained by those facing divorce, custody, and other family law disputes when facing misconduct allegations. We have solid and respectful relationships with family law attorneys throughout Michigan because of our unparalleled track record of successfully helping people in these vulnerable situations. When someone faces the loss of their assets, children, or home due to false, exaggerated, or even truthful criminal allegations and charges, our Defense Team is ready, willing, and able to protect and defend them. When someone makes an allegation against their spouse or domestic partner, the sooner an experienced criminal defense lawyer intervenes, the better! Our attorneys routinely stop and prevent criminal charges before they begin using tried and true defense strategies and proactive intervention. If retained after a felony or misdemeanor charge, our top priority is fighting for dismissal of the charges, a favorable plea bargain, a lenient sentence, or an acquittal at trial, whichever is appropriate to the situation. Whatever it takes, we will work to reduce or eliminate the impact of criminal charges on our client’s divorce or family law matters.
Call us today at (248) 263-6800 for a free consultation or complete an online Request for Assistance Form. We will contact you promptly and find a way to help you.