Theft and Embezzlement Crimes Attorney
Dedicated to the defense of those charged with theft, embezzlement, and property crimes. We have formulated strategies and defenses to these types of charges that are unparalleled by any other defense lawyer.

A Strong Pre-Charge Defense With Top Theft and Embezzlement Crimes Defense Attorneys
Now is the time to begin building a strong defense if you are accused but not yet charged with a property, embezzlement, or theft-related crime. A great criminal defense lawyer can run interference and take mitigating measures to avoid or reduce potential criminal charges. For decades, LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C.’s theft and embezzlement crimes attorneys have successfully handled countless cases on a pre-charge basis and helped clients avoid criminal charges and convictions that seemed like they were unavoidable. Even in cases where the evidence is overwhelming or a confession, we can frequently find pre-charge resolutions or take measures to avoid prosecution on what would otherwise be more serious charges.
Private Forensic and Accounting Investigations
Many property and theft crimes involve complex accounting or computer evidence. Our criminal defense team works with Michigan’s top embezzlement crimes attorneys, and we have found creative, effective ways of defending highly complex allegations of money mismanagement and embezzlement offenses. Even in highly publicized fraud cases with a public organization or governmental division as the victim, we have worked with clients to avoid convictions and jail time.

Personalized, Attentive Service by Top Criminal Defense Attorneys
There is no more stressful time than when a person faces criminal charges. When your livelihood, professional license, income, and assets are on the line, your stress level can go through the roof, and even the strongest families can be torn apart. By having top criminal defense lawyers on the front line fighting to protect you, you can have peace of mind knowing that everything possible is being done to help you. While other lawyers do not return calls, refuse to meet with their clients, or do not take the time to listen to the client’s concerns meaningfully, the embezzlement crimes attorneys with LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. will not neglect you. We will take whatever time is necessary to fully understand you and your case to be as effective as possible. We will leave no stone unturned.
Winning Trial Strategies and Favorable Plea Bargains for Theft and Embezzlement Crimes
There are many unique aspects to LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C., which have made it one of Michigan’s premier criminal defense law firms. Our tried-and-true team approach to developing defense strategies has resulted in plea bargains and trial results unobtainable by most other theft and embezzlement crime attorneys. Instead of getting one lawyer, we focus the entire firm’s attention on each client, their case, and the desired outcome.
We are not “plea lawyers.” We are trial lawyers and litigators. This being said, most cases do not go to trial and end up resolving in some plea bargain, sentence bargain, or dismissal. With widely regarded reputations as highly effective trial lawyers, prosecutors, and judges take extra measures to resolve our cases. A lawyer known for manipulating his clients into entering a plea or being afraid to take a case to trial will undoubtedly not be offered any favorable plea resolutions or sentence bargains. When a theft and embezzlement crime attorney is a credible threat and is not afraid to fight a case, seemingly unobtainable resolutions become possible.
We Can Fight to an Acquittal at Trial
When the prosecutor wrongfully charges someone with a crime, and there is no alternative but a trial, we are ready, willing, and more than capable of achieving an acquittal of all charges. We utilize our unique and highly effective team approach to every case. We work together to formulate the most effective attack on the government’s evidence and witnesses. Additionally, our theft and embezzlement crime attorneys will work together with the client to develop a winning strategy with defense witnesses, evidence, and experts when appropriate. We are not afraid to win!

Avoiding Jail or Prison and Repayment of Excessive Restitution
While it may seem like property crimes would be treated more lightly by judges, the opposite is usually true. Embezzlement charges can result in harsh penalties. Consider, for example, that assaulting someone and causing a serious injury (aggravated assault) is a one-year misdemeanor, while passing a bad check (uttering and publishing) is a felony punishable by up to 14 years. The fact is that many unsuspecting people accept the representation of a court-appointed lawyer, general practice attorney, or budget lawyer and then realize the tragic consequences of the decision when they are surprised to be taken into custody or sentenced to overwhelming terms and conditions of probation. The representation you receive from a respected, aggressive theft and embezzlement crime attorney can make the difference between prison and freedom.
Embezzlement Crime Defense Attorneys Who Fight to Win!
No case is over for LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. until we have gotten our client’s every possible advantage, including the best possible sentence. We are mindful that probation terms and conditions, including fines, costs, and restitution, have to be minimized to give the client his best chance of successful completion. We will take the time to develop a highly compelling and persuasive sentencing argument and convince the judge to order a favorable sentence. We will fight to help you avoid incarceration or minimize any incarceration when a judge is considering a jail or prison sentence.
Complainants in theft crimes, especially embezzlement charges, often try to profit from criminal charges. They overstate or sometimes even falsify losses to maximize an award of restitution. We will not allow an alleged victim to take financial advantage of our clients. Our theft and embezzlement crime attorneys will fight any attempt to take our clients and their families’ assets.

Fearless and Aggressive Defense Attorneys in Michigan
If you are charged with a property, financial, or theft-related offense, LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. stands ready to provide you with the best defense possible. Our team of theft and embezzlement crime attorneys will dedicate every resource we have at our disposal to obtain the optimal result for you. We will protect and fight for your rights when no one else is willing or able to do so. Contact us for a free consultation today! We will find a way to help you.
Call us today at (248) 263-6800 for a free consultation or complete an online Request for Assistance Form. We will contact you promptly and find a way to help you.