The Wayne County Criminal Justice Center – A New State of the Art facility

The Wayne County Criminal Justice Center is designed to centralize Wayne County’s Criminal Justice Operations into one Facility. Here is what you need to know.

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What you need to know about the new Wayne County Criminal Justice Center.

The information contained in this blog will help anyone facing incarceration and their families to understand how it functions. The Wayne County Criminal Justice Center sits on 11 acres and spans more than one million square feet. It is located at 5301 Russell Avenue, Detroit, Michigan, 48211, and is comprised of seven different buildings that house the following criminal justice operations in Wayne County:

  • 3rd Judicial Circuit Court – Criminal Division
  • Wayne County Sheriff’s Office
  • Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office
  • Central Utility Plant
  • Wayne County Clerk’s Office
  • Juvenile Detention Facility
  • Wayne County Adult Detention Facility

The Wayne County Adult Detention Facility houses pretrial and sentenced inmates. Pretrial inmates are those who have been arrested and are awaiting trial or other court hearings in any of the jurisdiction’s district courts or the Wayne County Circuit Court. Sentenced inmates have been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor and are serving a sentence of one year or less.

Search for an Inmate Here: Wayne County Jail Inmate Search

How to Send Mail and Have Phone Calls with Inmates at the Wayne County Criminal Justice Center

Inmates are allowed to receive mail, make calls, and send emails. However, there are some restrictions on these activities.

Mail: Inmates can receive mail from family and friends. However, all correspondence is subject to inspection by the staff at the Wayne County Criminal Justice Center. All mail sent to an inmate must include the sender’s name and mailing address in the top left corner of your mail. Failure to include your return address will most likely result in your mail getting discarded and NOT delivered. Magazines or books should be in new condition and soft-covered. The addresses for inmates are as follows:

Inmate’s name and Inmate Number
Wayne County Criminal Justice Center
5301 Russell Street
Detroit, MI 48211

Calls: Inmates at the Wayne County Criminal Justice Center can make phone calls through various methods:

  • Collect Calls: Charges are billed to the recipient’s phone bill.
  • Prepaid Accounts: Funds are added in advance to cover call costs.
  • Inmate-Funded Calling Options: Inmates use their own funds to pay for calls.

These systems support calls to both landlines and cell phones. The Wayne County Sheriff’s Office collaborates with the phone service provider to keep call costs reasonable for inmates. Access to phone services depends on the inmate’s behavior and security status within the facility. Please note that all calls may be monitored or recorded at any time.

Video Visitation at the Wayne County Jail (Wayne County Criminal Justice Center)

Wayne County Criminal Justice Center uses the GTL Friends and Family Visit Now App for remote visitation. All social visitation is via video. Persons at least seventeen (17) years old having an acceptable form of identification are allowed one (1) non-contact, video visit per week for up to thirty (30) minutes.

Visitors can visit inmates at the Adult Detention Facility via one of the video visit portals provided in the Visitation Center or utilize their own cellular device, computer, or tablet. Visitors wishing to conduct their visit at the Adult Detention Facility must report to the visitation window with their identification between 8:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. or 4:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m.

The Adult Detention Facility enforces a strict dress code. Undergarments are mandatory and must be fully covered. Clothing that exposes excessive skin, i.e., abdomen, breast, chest, back, thigh, etc., is prohibited. Sleeveless tops are only allowed if the armholes do not reveal the visitor’s underclothing or breast/chest. Visitors must wear closed-toe shoes.

Wayne County Criminal Justice Center Jail

How to Get Bonded Out of the Wayne County Criminal Justice Center

You may be eligible for bail if you are arrested and charged with a crime. Bail is a sum of money paid to the court to secure your release from jail. If you post bail, you promise the court that you will appear for your court date. Bonds are accepted at the Wayne County Jail 365 days a year, from 4:30 p.m. through 8:30 a.m. Between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., bonds must be paid at the court of jurisdiction (i.e. Wayne County Circuit Court, 36th District Court, etc.)

The court will consider several factors when setting bail, including the severity of the charges, your criminal history, and your ties to the community. If you cannot afford bail, you may be able to get a bondsman to post bail for you. A bondsman is a person or company that agrees to post bail for you in exchange for a fee.

It is vital that you work with a skilled Wayne County defense attorney who knows the best strategy to ensure a low or personal bond. If the bond is set too high, an attorney can file a Motion to Reduce Bond and seek a court order lowering the required bond.

How to Put Money in an Inmate Commissary

Canteen Correctional Services serves the Wayne County Jail’s inmates by selling snack foods, hygiene products, clothing, and phone time. The Commissary serves the inmates four days a week. To deposit money into an inmate’s account, visit You must have the Wayne County Jail facility number (#248211) and the inmate’s 10-digit booking number. An alternative method is to call Touchpay directly at (866) 204-1603. For the purchase of care packages, you can access

How to Seek Medical Attention

A Wayne County Criminal Justice Center inmate needing medical attention should notify the staff immediately. The jail staff will assess their condition and determine whether they need to be seen by a doctor. If they need to see a doctor, the jail staff will arrange for medical personnel to see them at the jail or an outside hospital. The Jail Medical Health Services Program provides examination, treatment, referral, and education services to Jail inmates so they can be as healthy as possible during their incarceration. The WCJ Mental Health Unit professionals identify detainees who require intervention and care for mental health issues, including those at risk for suicide.

Anyone with information or concerns regarding the physical or mental health care of an individual in the custody of the Wayne County Criminal Justice Center can call and leave a message at 313-224-6442. The system triages messages on a first-come, first-serve basis.

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Prison Rape Elimination Act

The Wayne County Sheriff’s Office has expressed its commitment to the safety and security of its jail facilities for all inmates, staff, contractors, and volunteers. The Sheriff has developed a zero-tolerance policy for sexual abuse and harassment. Under the PREA act, the Wayne County Criminal Justice Center must prevent, detect, and respond to all allegations of abuse, whether such allegations are inmate-on-inmate assaults or staff, contractors, and volunteers against inmates. The statute requires the prompt investigation of all reports of sexual abuse. If you suspect an inmate is the victim of sexual abuse or harassment, call (313) 224-0797 or (313) 224-2247.

How to Survive the Wayne County Jail

Navigating time in the Wayne County Criminal Justice Center is challenging; however, a few tips can help inmates avoid unnecessary issues and make their time in jail more bearable. If you wonder about how inmates can make the most of their time and stay safe while incarcerated, here are a few tips (Click on the boxes below for more information):

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Stay Respectful

Always show respect to both inmates and guards. An inmate doesn’t have to be submissive, but treating others with respect can help avoid unnecessary conflicts.

Mind Your Business

Don’t get involved in other people’s affairs or disputes. Keeping to yourself and staying low-key can help you avoid unnecessary drama.

Establish a Routine

Create a daily routine to provide structure to your day. A routine might include reading, exercising, writing, or learning something new.

Stay Physically Active

Exercise and remain physically active to keep your body and mind as sharp and healthy as possible.

Educate Yourself

Take advantage of any time available in the library at the Wayne County Criminal Justice Center. Reading can help keep your mind out of the jail. It’s a productive way to pass the time and can help with future reintegration into society.

Build Supportive Relationships

While being cautious is good, forming respectful connections with the right people can offer security and emotional support. Always be careful about who you trust.

Avoid Gangs and Drugs

Getting involved with gangs or drugs in jail can increase your risks considerably. While it might offer short-term benefits, the long-term consequences can be dire.

Stay Connected with the Outside

Maintain contact with supportive family and friends. They can provide emotional support and help you stay grounded. Letters, phone calls, and visits can make a huge difference.

Seek Mental Health Treatment

It is normal for someone in jail to struggle emotionally or mentally. If you need help, talk to a deputy right away. Also, an inmate’s family member can call and leave a message for the Wayne County Criminal Justice’s medical support services at (313) 224-6442.

Prepare for Release

Begin planning for your release as soon as possible. A release plan might mean seeking job training, acquiring new skills, setting up a post-release support network, applying for work, ensuring you know where you will reside, etc. Reaching out to family and friends for help obtaining a job is a good idea. They will have access to resources that you don’t have while in jail, and they may be able to have you set up for a job interview or position as soon as you are released.

Finally, while jail can be a challenging experience, many people have successfully navigated their sentences and gone on to lead fulfilling lives afterward. Seeking rehabilitation, maintaining hope, and planning for the future can make a world of difference.

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The Wayne County Defense Team with LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. is your best hope when looking for a top defense lawyer. Utilizing our unique team approach, we can provide a high-caliber defense and consistent results unobtainable by other defense attorneys. We have a proven track record because our lawyers will do whatever it takes to achieve the best possible outcome. If you work with our team, you can expect outstanding and transparent communication, tenacious and loyal representation, fearless and skilled negotiations, and someone who will fight to protect and defend you. Call us for a free consultation. We will take the time to talk with you, answer your questions, and work with you to develop a winning strategy.

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